CNC Grind

Consultants specializing in all aspects of “Creep-Feed” grinding, we have over two decades of practical experience. Visit our website for more information on this unique process.
Download a copy of   Developing the Sweet Spot in Grinding

Our applications expertise can impact your bottom line. Here are a few examples:
  • Reduced the abrasive cost to manufacture of aerospace turbine blades from $7.00 per part to $2.00 per part.
  • Saved a client $125,000.00 annually on superabrasives. costs and improved the process to eliminated a problem with backorders.
  • Reduced cycle time to produce twenty parts from thirty minutes to two and one half minutes.
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The network of custom shops that we represent can manufacture, test, and return components promptly to develop a turn key process without delaying production on the clients shop floor. Contact us to get solutions to your grinding problems.
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© 2003 CNC Grind and Abrasives Mall
rev 10/08/03